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Principles of Asset Management
An Asset Management Tool for a Shoestring Budget

An Asset Management Tool for a Shoestring Budget

Visit MFOA's website at Or subscribe to MFOA's YouTube channel: As part of MFOA's Asset Management Series, we are pleased to bring you specific information on how municipalities can build their asset management plans with the information they already have. We know that resources are limited and deadlines are fast approaching to meet the provinces' guidelines. This presentation was introduced at a recent MMAH Treasurers' Forum with great interest so we wanted to bring you detailed information concerning asset management planning. KPMG has worked with an engineering firm to address questions and issues that municipalities will need to address as they set their asset management plans for the future, including a proposed workflow for asset management activities and examples for municipalities. You will learn: • How to approach asset management planning; what components to use and why • How to incorporate data that you already have into your asset management plan, helping you to control costs • Lessons learned from other municipal asset management plans • Best practice examples of how this tools is being used by others All participants will receive the tool to use in their municipality. About Your Speaker: Oscar Poloni, Partner KPMG, Sudbury Office has extensive experience working in the public sector, specifically in the areas of financial reporting, performance measurement and financial modelling.
Webinar VOD | ISO 55000: Overview of Asset Management for Industrial & Commercial Equipment

Webinar VOD | ISO 55000: Overview of Asset Management for Industrial & Commercial Equipment

Learn the benefits of predictive electrical maintenance with our GraceSense eBook: This webinar focuses on the basics of asset management to discuss key terms, principles, and terminology used in ISO 55000 standards. Emphasize will be placed on the four phases of the asset lifecycle; acquire, operate, maintain, and disposal. Facility operations have become more complicated than ever as the management’s focus shifted from production throughput to overall operational excellence. This has put significant pressure on the facility maintenance and reliability personnel as they now need to justify overall lifecycle cost of assets, extend operational life, and allocate the maintenance budgets in addition to meeting the day-to-day operational demands on their equipment. While some facilities have newer equipment to support their operations, most facilities are operating with assets that are about three to four decades old which require the right maintenance strategies in place to ensure that operation demands are met. Learning objectives: a. Key terms, principles, and terminology as defined in ISO 55000 Standards b. Asset classification and benefits of asset management system c. How to apply an asset management system in your organization d. How to coordinate the various activities to maximize the value from your assets e. Interactive Q&A Presenter Bio: Bhanu Srilla is the Director of Technical Marketing at Grace Engineered Products, Inc. Bhanu has over two decades of experience in power generation and distribution industry and has led diverse programs in electrical power distribution and control system projects in various IEC and ANSI applications for low and medium voltage systems. He is an IEEE member, and a member of Standards Technical Panel (STP) for UL 1436, UL 61010, UL 508, and 508A Standards. Bhanu is a certified electrical safety compliance professional (CESCP) by NFPA, certified maintenance and reliability professional (CMRP) by SMRP, Certified Reliability Leader (CRL), and holds advanced degrees in Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, and Technology Management.

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